The backs of his hands, which lay upon his lap, were covered with bright scarlet blotches.
When it was sunny, as it was now, there were bright warm blotches to bring out the pastels chosen from the decorator's little book.
The petals are also scarlet, except for the top two which are scarlet marked with bright yellow blotches.
Wheals had swollen on her neck in bright blotches of red.
The bright blotch had resolved into a large cottony cloud, billowing downward, surrounded by dim pin-prick flashes of light.
The skin on her neck and arms looked pale, while two bright blotches of color heightened her cheeks.
The eyes snapped sparks and two bright scarlet blotches of crimson burned suddenly on the smooth, almost waxy perfection of her cheeks.
He switched his goggles to infrared; Pellegrinian equipment showed up as bright blotches on the cooler land.
Despite his hand and his tightly closed eyes behind it, he saw the flash as a bright, pink blotch, which faded very slowly.
Straightening, she saw the colorless zhena staring at her, seemingly about to speak, a bright blotch of color decorating each pale cheek.