"Young people who have been lured into your trap by the bright bauble you dangled in front of them!"
These trinkets and bright baubles are advance payment for some service; well, what service?
At last he saw the bright bauble that was the Enterprise begin to pull back, and he knew that his end was very near.
But, this time in ngham, Ikey was playing for much bigger stakes an the fencing of a few bright baubles taken in the ristmas crowds.
Sharon's got the voice all right; the novel is a bright bauble of clear, rain-washed prose and low-key humor.
Her final character personality was designed to be a stereotypical blonde, "a bulimic cheerleader," and "not the brightest bauble on the tree."
Trinkets, treasures and bright baubles (leftovers from the Christmas tree?)
It is a bright red bauble, but with tastes that seem to cascade.
None of this is to say that there is anything wrong with the brighter seasonal baubles uptown, which serve a much different purpose than year-round lighting.
Whereas these works remain precious jewels, Mr. Androsov's little pieces are only bright baubles.