After our arrival, we briefly shared an apartment with the Dosquets, a tight and uncomfortable situation.
Parting ways, they reflect on what they briefly shared.
At the intersection with Interstate 820, 183 and 121 turn south with the interstate, and all three highways briefly share the same co-signed route.
Which he had accidentally seen when Tobias was briefly sharing a room with him.
I briefly shared a house back in the 1970s with a guy who did this.
It briefly shares a routing with US-29 in the city of Andalusia.
I remembered the touching, the smiles and allusions to matters beyond my ken as they briefly shared their world with friends.
With that Ramage jerked himself out of the sensuous little world he'd been briefly sharing with Claire.
I would, however, like to share with you briefly my own reflections and I look forward greatly to hearing your own perceptions in this afternoon's debate.
There they briefly shared a house with the poet Kathleen Raine.