In one of many harrowing adventures, he was briefly recaptured by a Red soldier.
The city was briefly recaptured by the Indian army in 1987 but was later captured again by the Tigers.
It was briefly recaptured by Austria in 1917, after the battle of Caporetto.
She was briefly recaptured by the Americans, but came under heavy fire and had to be abandoned.
It was briefly recaptured by the English in 1570.
The fire at the Cafe des Artistes, he said, occurred 53 years to the day after he escaped from a concentration camp in his native Hungary, only to be briefly recaptured.
After chasing the team and Heather through the store he is briefly recaptured by Casey, only to escape again.
Ceuta (which was briefly recaptured by the Visigoths in 540) became a part of Mauretania.
It was briefly recaptured by Syria during the 1973 Yom Kippur War, but Israel regained control in its subsequent counter-offensive.
It finally escaped earth orbit in 1971 but was briefly recaptured in Earth orbit 31 years later.