After his return to Japan, he was briefly placed in charge of the Taiwan Army before retirement.
Following his wife's sudden unexpected death on May 20, he was briefly placed on the restricted list, and then the bereavement list.
She was briefly placed into reserve between August 1876 and June 1877.
The idea of population transfer was briefly placed on the Mandate's political agenda in 1937 by the Peel Commission.
The pregnancy went well, and the healthy girl was briefly placed in the intensive care unit because of what had happened to her brothers.
He is briefly placed in charge of the farm when Otis decides to leave.
A one-minute news summary was briefly placed at 22:00.
The boys were briefly placed in foster care in 1982 and 1983, an arrangement which, the court heard later, seemed to cause no problems.
It was briefly placed in storage for the construction of the new library, Jefferson Hall, in 2004.
Briefly placed her hand on my shoulder.