Frank and Victor, the second-youngest brother, spoke brief tributes.
Nor should any reader skip his brief tribute to the thousands of principled Berliners for whom their city had in store only deprivation and death.
A clip from the movie was shown during the awards ceremony in a brief tribute to her.
Each note paid brief tribute to the victims.
Wilson also made a brief tribute to Ballard, who Gordy had removed from the group years before.
Actor Charlton Heston gave a brief but powerful tribute to his old friend.
It was a brief tribute to Pelham.
Brother Moore, deacon, with tears in his eyes, stood amidst the congregation to give a brief tribute.
The only connection with jazz's present direction was in a brief tribute to Allen Ginsberg, one of the festival's former patrons.
A brief tribute appeared in that issue, but the November 8th edition contained the official remembrance and tributes.