After the briefest training they were dispatched to one of the most secret establishments in England and left to get on with it.
Many years before, as a young woman, Antonina's mother had given her some brief training as an actress.
Shepherd had a brief architectural training and uses drafting programs to build the painting images.
But for brief training and escort periods at sea, she remained there through the end of the month.
After brief training she sailed for the United States.
Therapists at each of the 15 medical centers received brief training in the therapies they administered.
The centers are staffed by workers who receive brief medical training and earn from $2.25 to $3.50 an hour.
Culley was calling on a brief training in surveillance techniques.
Employers tend to favor brief training and quick placements in available jobs.
For two dozen fellows interviewed in recent weeks, the student teaching was by far the most valuable part of their brief training.