Afternoon breezes average about 7 to 12 knots, but brief thunderstorms are common.
From July to October, brief thunderstorms break the heat and cause waterfalls, but it is mosquito season.
The accident occurred about 9 P.M. Friday after a brief thunderstorm.
Flooding can also occur after brief but heavy thunderstorms during the dry season.
A sharp and very brief thunderstorm, which seemed to strike somewhere near the bank of the river, put an end to the disturbance.
Between practices Friday there was a brief thunderstorm, but Houston did not panic.
In the late summer, which is more humid, there are occasional sharp, brief thunderstorms.
Occasional brief thunderstorms provide subterranean water to sustain natural oases, such as the Tuat.
American military power would be like a thunderstorm, furious but brief and, preferably, with no entangling commitments.
A brief thunderstorm, however, rolled over the course this afternoon, and the wind was expected to shift overnight.