Looking into the path of light, Margo gave a brief shudder.
Zi suffered a brief shudder, and tightened the robe around her shoulders.
There was just the briefest shudder in the Enterprise.
A brief shudder rocked its frame, then it jerked forward in a series of uneven bursts of speed.
Occasionally there was a pause, followed by a brief shudder, and he knew she was struggling to control her tears.
If she senses me at all, it is as a brief shudder of gooseflesh, nothing more.
The thought evoked a quiet bark of a laugh, followed by a brief shudder.
There was another shudder of seismic disturbance, briefer than before, but more intense, and for a moment I couldn't keep my balance.
She looked back at him over her shoulder, and Picard might have been imagining it, but he thought a brief shudder passed through her.
Creideiki blinked unseeingly, and once a brief shudder passed down the length of his body.