During the brief remainder of the trip, I knew how an emancipated slave feels; for I was an emancipated slave myself.
The cruiser resumed west coast operations and, for the brief remainder of her active career, remained so engaged.
Take the B. & M. to Greenfield, and then change for the brief remainder of the way.
The brief remainder of this outline is illegible because my father wrote across it notes in ink on another subject (see p. 145).
None of it seemed real just now, when he was focused on exposure and disgrace, the brief remainder of his life in federal prison.
He was therefore moved to a sunlit room on the top floor, Extended Care, where he would be expected to live for the brief remainder of his life.
He spent the brief remainder of his life in and out of hospitals and wards.
Unwilling or unable to come to terms with the parliament, Fortescue made his way to Delft, where he lived during the brief remainder of his life.
Whatever else might be said in the brief remainder of the evening, Bonner had the target speech and was getting his wire to safety.
The brief remainder of the most memorable night shift of his career passed, to Roic's relief, without further incident of note.