The difficulty with the brief quote he will be called a Nazarene is that it occurs nowhere in the Old Testament, or any other extant source.
At another point, the brief quotes Smith as saying that Bob Shirley made a "very minimal" contribution in three years with the Yankees.
Or were the brief quotes cunningly edited from less flattering sentences?
After that brief quote, Robinson took refuge on the team bus and refused further questions.
A brief quote in the article she was reading suggested only that he had become "disillusioned with the art world."
She did, however, provide a few brief quotes for Jeff Tamarkin's book on the history of Jefferson Airplane.
Why Matthew seems to take this brief quote out of context and away from its original meaning has been long disputed by scholars.
Lyrics from over 50 different songs have been included in "Bad", ranging from brief quotes of a single line through to multiple verses.
However, a very brief pejorative quote from an ancient book of divination may not be a reliable source for determining ethnic characteristics.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.