It was usually a very brief outing.
After its brief outing, my Muse has lost its magnetism, no more enduring, it seems, than a fling.
Sherry had a brief outing, facing four batters without recording an out, and appeared in only four more games all year.
That surprised me a little bit," Guetterman said of his brief outing, "because I've never been in that situation before.
Fassel issued another grade of "all right" today in assessing Collins's brief outing Sunday.
Guidry didn't finish the second inning, a rare brief outing for someone who pitched 16 complete games that season.
Even after such a brief outing, I was eager to get out of my jumpsuit.
Mark Connor, for one, was not pleased with Rasmussen's brief outing.
In fact, Johnson's second straight brief outing illustrates the sort of concerns even a 6-1 team has to have.
The belts had a solid crotch strap without holes, and were intended only for brief outings.