A brief obituary, basically announcing the commemoration of his scientific work published in the following issue 4 of the same Bulletin.
Melik's brief obituary in Familia magazine informed readers that the inspector's schoolbooks had "genuine value".
He walked to the wall and stared at them, remembering the brief obituaries given by Avery.
The brief obituary in the newspaper noted that Rhoda was 31 and died of "disease of the brain".
A brief obituary was broadcast on BBC Radio 4.
There was a brief obituary in the Colored News, but there was also an editorial.
Since 1985 the annual has also included very brief obituaries ('The Final Whistle') for selected former players and officials dying within the previous twelve months.
His brief obituary in The Times describes him as Bodley's partner.
His brief obituaries of friends who have died from HIV sear the eyes and mind.
He received a brief obituary in Time Magazine in December 1952.