The alternative, seldom elected, is a brief monologue, bleak and bitter, from the original version of 1847.
Following a brief monologue, Dawson attempts suicide by leaping out of the window.
Mandel would often banter with Goldstein during the opening to the show, which always consisted of a brief monologue by the host.
A handful of brief monologues provides continuity for the 25 numbers.
After a brief monologue, the very first comedy segment was a sarcastic tour of the studio.
Cheech Marin does a brief Spanish monologue in the song.
A brief monologue beginning "A man pops in a bar..." will be a joke.
The show began with a brief topical monologue from Maher.
Higgins then introduces Fallon, who begins his brief monologue.
Drawcansir then has a brief monologue about how good a fighter he is.