A brief inquiry seven years ago did not turn up any evidence to support the charges, which American intelligence officials now believe were true.
There was a brief initial inquiry into whether Peterson had any involvement.
After a brief inquiry, Cold Hoist was declared the winner.
A brief historical inquiry into the true nature of the Lord's Supper.
The relatively brief inquiry, which was never officially disclosed, began in November 1996 and ended in March 1997.
After a brief inquiry the king ordered to punish the brothers for disobedience but instead of any punishment, they were killed.
Pressured by American officials to expel him, the Swedish security police arrested him and conducted a brief inquiry.
An army spokesman said a brief initial inquiry turned up no evidence to support the new charge, made by four men from the town of Arura.
A brief inquiry with his own wine merchant proving unfruitful, though, he decided upon consultation with an expert.
A brief inquiry to Josua showed that nothing had changed.