The shock would drive Reep to rash actions which would ultimately lead to a brief incarceration on prison planet Takron-Galtos.
The legal and judicial mindset, however, that helped create the circumstances that resulted in my brief incarceration are, I believe, significant.
Lawsuits followed, and after brief incarceration, Palmer sold the school to his son, B. J. Palmer.
Jessup escapes - after a relatively brief incarceration - when his friends bribe one of the camp guards.
After Kristallnacht in 1938, following brief incarceration in Dachau, Ludwig escaped to England.
After his brief incarceration, he was unable to find regular work and this led to the beginning of his career as a nightclub owner.
With the aid of resistance fighters in Belgium and France, Rawlings made his way to Spain where, after a brief incarceration, he was repatriated.
Elsheimer seems to have borrowed money from Goudt, which according to one account resulted in his brief incarceration in Debtor's prison.
But the brief incarceration did not stop his slide into crime.
However, due to his rebellious nature, he was expelled from the Party, but he survived that, as well as brief incarceration by Italian authorities.