After brief experiment, he opened the strong box, finding the combination with ease.
As a result, Wiley decided after a brief experiment with audio to stick with books.
A brief 1990s experiment of six trains each way in high season was abandoned on grounds of cost.
He said a brief experiment with the Fire Department as a first responder in the 1970's convinced him that it was a bad idea.
It has always been a weekly newspaper with the exception of a brief semi-weekly experiment in the early 1980s.
A brief experiment in 1931 also attempted to form an SS-flight unit.
It was replaced by the light-weight Xplorer in a brief experiment.
In 1956 it hosted a brief experiment to keep all the flying training to wings stage straight through on one base.
This is to be only a brief experiment at best.
Milwaukee was an early prospect for professional baseball, with several brief experiments at the major league level but mostly in the minor leagues.