The bride and bridegroom, both dressed in white, will arrive by horse and buggy.
In the course of the next four weeks, there will be one wedding (the bride dressed in cellophane), one death and a couple of breakdowns.
But what a bride, dressed as if to marry Liberace.
Weddings are performed with the bride and groom dressed in traditional Indian clothing influenced by the fashion of other races in the country.
The bride, in passing down-stairs, dressed for her journey, found Tom waiting for her - flushed, either with his feelings, or the vinous part of the breakfast.
She was a handsome bride; dressed in white, with red roses in her hair and at her breast.
The bride, dressed all in white and with a garland of spring flowers encircling her pale, blonde head, was radiant.
The bride, dressed in all finery, covered with gold ornaments, is the chief spectator; she sits on a peetam, around which the singing and dancing take place.
We did think of bringing a pooch along to follow the bride, dressed as a bridesmaid.
It supposedly depicts the bride dressed in white, sitting beside Cupid and being assisted by Venus in person.