Notable exceptions occur in the realm of haute couture, bridal fashion and Lolita Fashion.
Vera Wang, the designer of bridal fashions, hailed a cab on Madison Avenue and headed straight into the 68th Street gridlock.
Best of all is And the Bride Wore ..., which adds captions to pictures of hideous bridal fashions.
From a blue dress worn in 1858 to the lacy cream confections of the 1980's, 31 wedding gowns trace the history of bridal fashion in the United States.
Mr. Mizrahi managed to collect a lot of very pretty cotton fabric for jackets and play clothes and ended his show amusingly with 20 varieties of bridal fashions.
The Washington Post hails her collection as "proof positive that bridal fashion is keeping up with the runway" .
For parents who also want to teach aesthetics early, a flurry of new children's books can serve as primers on subjects ranging from furniture to bridal fashion.
Silk gazar is much used in bridal and evening fashion due to its ability to hold its shape.
Each wore her long, heavy hair almost unbound, after the Kondalian bridal fashion: brushed until it fell like a shining mist, confined only from temple to temple by a structure of jewels in rare-metal filigree.
As part of the package, they can rent one from that American citadel of bridal fashions, I. Kleinfeld & Son Inc. of Brooklyn.