He then landed at Naxos, married Ariadne, turned her bridal crown into stars, and had six children by her.
A bridal crown displays the Great Bear in pearls and emeralds.
Some European king and queen's crowns were made of gold, and gold was used for the bridal crown since antiquity.
This was the bridal crown of young Princess Lhayronna, who became queen to her cousin, King Alehandro III.
In Sweden, brides wear a sort of bridal crown, a huvudla, something like this.
Her bridal crown.
The Virgins are crowned with bridal crowns resting on caps and are seen wearing spiral earrings.
I go to marry my new bride, That I bring o'er the down; And you shall be her bridal maid, And hold her bridal crown.
The poet tells us that they are happily making the bridal crowns for Elizabeth and Katherine.
At the wedding the bride wore a Swedish bridal crown in platinum and rock crystal and Queen Sophia's bridal veil in openwork lace.