While that still would represent only a small fraction of overall retail sales, the trend is causing some concern among brick-and-mortar retailers.
After years of hanging back, brick-and-mortar retailers, as sellers with real stores are now having to call themselves, are arriving on the Internet in droves.
Exclusive deals have not been restricted to brick-and-mortar retailers.
It is providing brick-and-mortar retailers with advertising kits that feature Blue Dog.
The company began as a traditional brick-and-mortar retailer, but became a fully Internet-based store.
Most brick-and-mortar retailers reportedly sold out their entire inventories within hours the morning of August 20.
"The untold story this year is the Internet, which clearly took a chunk out of the hide of the brick-and-mortar retailers," he said.
Wal-Mart is expected to show that brick-and-mortar retailers can beat e-tailers at their own game.
Music companies feared that issuing the songs any earlier could fuel piracy, upset traditional marketing plans and anger brick-and-mortar retailers.
If the Internet remains happily tax-free, perhaps brick-and-mortar retailers around the country will pressure their legislators to return to more equitable means of taxation.