Anything and everything did happen on a breezy, sunny day.
If you are walking outside on a breezy day, callers will hear nothing but feedback.
On a bright, breezy day at Westchester, a large number of players put themselves into the picture.
Many players failed to stay patient on a breezy day with temperatures stuck around 60.
It was a sunny, breezy, beautiful day, but only a handful of people walked the central shopping area here.
"Throw it in the air on a breezy day and let it do its work!"
He gave one longing look at the bright and breezy day outside the window.
The hotel has yet to heat the swimming pool, which can be quite chilly on a breezy day.
All this sliced into what had been a breezy few days for the Rangers.
On a cool and breezy day, huge crowds watched the third stage.