His window was open, and a cool breeze filled the room.
But a strong breeze from the west had blown the clouds away and filled the sky with millions of stars.
Even as he watched, the brisk breeze was filling in the last of his tracks with the light, powdery snow.
The soft breeze around them filled and healed their seared lungs.
She had her window open to the night, and the cool breeze, moist with a light rain, filled the room.
As if to greet her, a sudden breeze had filled the room from the opened windows, cool and fresh with the scents of spring growth.
A breeze pulled at the lavender curtains and filled the room with the smell of cooking fires.
The breeze filled the sails, and they billowed put prettily.
But a fresh breeze of caution is filling sails in the aftermath.
A cool breeze filled the glade and she shivered, all at once chilled.