Humayun's tomb is a breathtaking example of Mughal architecture and a must for any visitor.
He left only a handful of acoustic recordings which are truly breathtaking examples of perfect technique and musical elegance.
With the contemporary divorce culture's permission, too many parents are saying their happiness is more important than their children's well-being, a breathtaking example of America's moral decline.
A porch with columns framing a smooth sea and untroubled sky is a breathtaking example.
It was a breathtaking example of coordination and precision.
Possible but pointless, doomed really, and a breathtaking example of wrongheadedness.
Many breathtaking examples can be seen in the Archaeology Museum in Iráklion.
It is the most breathtaking example of government by the people in the history of the world.
"Portrait of a Young Woman ('Sibyl')," which is visiting New York for the first time from the Memling Museum in Bruges, is a breathtaking example.
The House package is a breathtaking example of cynicism and chutzpah.