He shivered in spite of the breathless heat in the sheltered doorway.
From out of the cold night before her came a wind redolent of sun-scorched grasslands, or end- less, baking days and nights of breathless heat.
The shadows were longer in the street outside but the air still held the same breathless heat that it had for the past ten days.
Autumn with its dusty, breathless heat was slipping in to choke the suddenly quiet town, adding its dry, panting weight to tired, anxious hearts.
A strong breathless heat reigned under the iron roof, and the air was heavy with the scent of wreaths.
The moon burned in through the open window, a piercing eye in the night, a torch in the breathless heat.
Certainly everyone looked very cheerful as I came through the camp; though the Dear knows it must have been a wearing form of sport, in this breathless heat.
No one had been home to do anything in Sarek's garden, nor had there been any wind in the breathless heat of Vulcan's summer.
When there had still been a night, many people had emerged from the cramped, boring quarters to move about on the Road despite the breathless heat.
It was even hotter, a heavy breathless heat, but Paks had no desire to slow down.