Robinson's debut produced no front-page banner headlines, or the type of breathless coverage the news media would heap on a similar story today.
Scribblenauts was the talk of E3, and was given breathless coverage in the weeks leading to its release.
As events moved quickly the style of coverage also changed, with readers given almost breathless coverage, as this Guardian time line of the crisis demonstrates:
Local newspapers overflowed with breathless coverage, including the headline, "Village beats the drums for returning son."
And while Real may have the history, it was Barcelona that drew an average of 80,734 fans over three games and garnered breathless coverage in the news media.
To think of the breathless wall-to-wall coverage that greets even the most obscure bugs or defects of Apple products...
Even some media critics who ordinarily criticize television news for breathless coverage began castigating Mr. Rather.
As they sat on an indefinite fast from 25 July, a reluctant media, tired from last year's breathless coverage, turned up in a tepid trickle.
In Oklahoma two weeks ago, Mr. Edwards similarly ran a closer second than expected, and the breathless coverage of his showing was extremely short lived.
New chips will emerge that will catch the imagination of early adopters and make today's breathless coverage of the Pentium seem quaint.