Still, the way he begins this book, with a breathless account of his first encounter with gray whales at San Ignacio Lagoon, is more than a little hard to take.
In 2009, he published a breathless account of a meeting with Ilyas Kashmiri, a top Al Qaeda leader.
We learn a little about his two marriages; we move lightly through McCain's involvement in the Keating savings and loan scandal while getting breathless accounts of great electoral successes.
Without that little boy, we get truth-for-access traders like Judith Miller, whose breathless, spoonfed - and ultimately inaccurate - accounts from Iraq help lead America to war.
The often breathless accounts have suggested that someone far away lobbed the Big One on us, the helpless citizens of the brave new online world.
Between breathless accounts of the subjects' resumes (did anyone before Seventh Avenue came to town not attend an Ivy League school?)
In speeches at pro-British assemblies, he amplified the Journal's breathless accounts of journalists running undercover operations and thwarting foreign intrigues.
Are you itching to read another breathless account of what Paula Jones said to Danny Traylor?
Boranova had listened to Konev's emotional and breathless account and felt herself carried along by the wave of his utter conviction.
I'll ask then, thinking, "Short, too short," while I listen to Tamar's breathless account.