The bride's father, a radiologist, retired from Lenox Hill Hospital as the assistant director of breast imaging.
However, breast thermography is not a replacement for or alternative to mammography or any other form of breast imaging.
Molecular breast imaging can refer to:
Decreasing Number of Specialists As a result, there is a growing shortage of radiologists specializing in breast imaging.
Molecular breast imaging is a nuclear medicine technique that is currently under study.
Studies have documented fewer missed tumors and earlier detection of abnormalities when images are read by a radiologist specializing in breast imaging.
During this time, doctors rotate into different subspecialities, such as paediatrics, musculoskeletal or neuroradiology, and breast imaging.
The primary interest in tomosynthesis is in breast imaging, as an extension to mammography, where it may offer better detection rates with little extra increase in radiation.
Sixty-five percent said they would not consider a fellowship in breast imaging, and 63 percent said they did not want to interpret mammograms in their future practices.
The initial evaluation includes a physical examination, bone-density measurements, breast imaging, cholesterol profile and hormonal studies.