Talks broke down over several issues, including the terms of the stock swap.
Only four players broke par including Ken Green, who shot 69 and had the round of the day.
Over the following years she broke 32 world records in individual events, including the four at the Montreal Games.
The performance broke four world records, including the world record for the most amount of cameras used at a live music event (239).
He broke with the Democratic leadership on several budgetary issues, including the 2008 fiscal budget proposal.
He constantly experimented with new techniques, breaking rules right and left, including his own.
He broke the news of the assault to the others on his bus - including two Navy admirals.
On 8 August 1980, a fire broke out killing ten people, including both locals and holiday makers.
"Lost" broke all kinds of new ground, including the language barrier on television.
Hall broke several school records during the 2007 season including most career catches, touchdowns, and receiving yards.