Dog carts pulled by two or more dogs were historically used in Belgium and The Netherlands for delivering milk, bread delivery and other trades.
He also admitted visiting a bakery in Malta that police have said was a terrorist cell's meeting place, but he said he merely helped the owner with bread deliveries while he himself was recovering from a stab wound.
Clutching his throat to stop the bleeding, he drove to Mercy Medical Center in Rockville Centre, where he makes regular bread deliveries, and arrived at 3:56 A.M., said Michael Quane, a hospital spokesman.
The man behind the counter said he could make no sandwiches because there had been no bread delivery that day.
A few days later, when Mr. Reed returned, the man again told him there had been no bread delivery, thus no sandwiches.
Houses were often of the bungalow type and were sited away from the street with a front and back yard and usually a back alley which served as a service route for coal, ice, milk, and bread delivery.
Yamira Lopez, a 22-year-old mother of two who lives in Sunset Park in Brooklyn, used $39,000 from a jury award after an automobile accident to buy an Italian bread delivery route.
"We haven't had a bread delivery for about three days," she said.
One 85-year-old woman who lives near her office - where there is a food pantry - will run across the street to help unload bread deliveries from the truck.
This fiddling included overcharging, increasing the price of bread to unknowing customers, and keeping the price the same but reducing the size of the bread delivery.