He pushed a brass object; across the desk Eric saw.
As he ruminated on in this dismal fashion, his eye caught with a start a brass object.
This brass object, Aymar recognized it with strange emotion, was the vessel in which his aunt had kept her holy water.
One of three finishes - antique, satin or mirror - can be applied to brass objects.
Robin returned to the sidewalk, the small brass object in her hand, and started deliberately toward the Devery gate.
In walked the three robots, each carrying brass objects.
The rising sun caught the small brass objects and for a moment the wicked claws winked and then fell into the trough of a wave.
It also has several brass objects.
However, many other brass objects, such as church bells, were also used.
She stopped cold as the bell tinkled above her, then slowly tipped her head up to stare at the tiny brass object.