Lucas has received support from receiver Keyshawn Johnson, who was asked about the quarterback's brash approach.
This brash, often humorous, approach to art was at great odds with the prevailing sensibility that, by its nature, art dealt with "profound" expressions or ideas.
Among some younger sculptors there is a brash and occasionally nutty approach to materials and craft.
Wu-Tang has used a brash entrepreneurial approach to build an empire that largely ignores common wisdom regarding contracts, marketing and choosing record companies.
There is, too, some uncertainty as to how much support his present strategy receives from the Foreign Office; apparently, not all of its advisers back the brash approach.
The magazine aimed for a brash, outspoken approach to social and political issues.
In 1927, Hauser moved to Hollywood, California, where his "natty good looks and brash, exuberant approach" soon made him popular among movie makers.
Mr. Tobaccowala took a brash and frontal approach to the Google threat.
Pranita quipped that viewers had forgiven her "brash approach" and said they liked having a strong female character around.
During the campaign, Mr. Fordice, a 61-year-old contractor, repeatedly declared, "I am not a politician," and his brash approach won him many supporters.