Mr. Haji-Ioannou's brands, like easyJet and easyInternetcafé, have tended to attract a young clientele.
The problem all "disorganisations" face is that "the brand" tends to get subverted by extremists who are just out to create havoc for their own entertainment.
The hotter brands tend to be newer labels, like Hurley International, Volcom and Stussy, which emphasize a style somewhere between surfer and skateboarder.
Even Gillette's strong women's brands, like White Rain, tend to be low-margin lines.
More traditional brands tend to be darker and cloudier.
As you would guess, less expensive brands tend to use the minimum amount of costly vanilla beans necessary to give the extract its characteristic flavor, then heighten the flavor with corn syrup.
Young wanted to build a brand not base on traditional images of Hong Kong and believes that "the most successful brands tend to incorporate national identity.
Amongst adult nicotine-dependent smokers, brand selection is closely related to one's socio-economic situation, as foreign brands tend to be double the price of local brands.
Category leadership is important because No. 1 brands tend to be considerably more profitable, analysts said, and they enjoy marketing advantages.
Exclusive brands tend to provide fatter margins for their owners, and retailers like Wal-Mart and Kmart have increasingly turned to them as price competition intensifies.