This brand of mechanical bull is still being made, but does not carry the same safety features that are available on more current models.
New York is "where brands and companies are born and made," he added.
Many brands of American hot dogs and most breakfast sausages are made from pork.
"We did research showing consumers knew the brand was practical and well made, but there was really no emotional connection," she added.
The mass recall lifted the curtain on a common practice in consumer products that competing brands are often made by the same manufacturer.
Prior to 1999, this brand was made by Kraft Foods.
Some brands of triamcinolone nasal are not made for use in children.
Pasta is usually considered chometz, but this brand was made with matzo flour.
Many famous foreign brands (especially French) are made under licence and sell at prices way below those in their home countries.
Some brands of this vaccine are made for use in adults and not in children.