Today, Interbrand is among the world's largest brand consultancies, having grown to include 42 offices in 28 countries.
In 1999, he co-founded chlorophyll, India's first end-to-end brand consultancy.
That has changed in the last five years, says David Martin, North American head of brand consultancy for Interbrand.
Saffron Brand Consultants is an independent global brand consultancy specialising in business transformation, brand strategy and design.
The brand was created by a UAE based brand consultancy, Brash Brands.
He is part of an international brand consultancy; he has been cited for multi-media innovations, and has served on juries for professional awards.
Research in 2008 by Cone, a brand consultancy, found that 79% of consumers would switch to a brand associated with a good cause.
Mr. Brûlé, however, was able to run his business without much interference, starting a brand consultancy and developing other magazine projects.
Founded in 1992 the company specialises in brand consultancy and visual identity systems, focusing on work for the not-for-profit, education, cultural and blue-chip sectors.
Invest enough in expert brand consultancy and your competition will be left to eat your dust.