"For retailers and brand builders like us it is explosively exciting."
They also work as brand builders when they're so ubiquitous we associate the brand with the event itself.
It is apparent evidence also for the unstoppable advance of social media in our lives, and therefore into the brand builder's toolkit.
It's a timely corrective against a view still held a little too forcefully by some: that social media is the brand builder's new best friend.
"He's a brand builder, so that's definitely positive" for OP.
On Marlboro Friday, a line was drawn in the sand between the lowly price slashers and the high-concept brand builders.
While yesterday's corporate sponsors may have been satisfied merely propping up community events, the meaning-seeking brand builders will never accept this role for long.
Advertisers finally realize what we have known all along: female athletes are desirable brand builders and reflect the championship attributes many companies are looking for.
They are brand builders.
And Yahoo, the first of these four publicly held search companies to post a profit, appears to be the most aggressive brand builder so far.