That would leave more branch employees free for sales work.
It is also worth pointing out that a similar program exists for executive branch employees, so congressional staffers aren't the only ones receiving this benefit.
The use of signing statements that fall in to the constitutional category can create conundrums for executive branch employees.
The legislation would maintain the current law banning executive branch employees from lobbying on issues in which they had a "personal and substantial" involvement.
Certain legislative branch employees have the right to join a union and collectively bargain with an employing office.
If this target is reached, branch employees will also receive £40 each.
"The branch employee is part ambassador, part social worker," he said.
Congress now ought to observe the same "revolving door" prohibitions that it imposed on former executive branch employees 10 years ago.
He also instituted tougher ethics standards for executive branch employees.
This information has the potential to place judges, judicial branch employees, and their families at risk.