One dangerous effect of this insulin-caused brain inflammation is increased brain levels of beta-amyloid.
Alzheimer's patients have unusually high brain levels of F2-isoprostane.
People with Alzheimer's disease and related conditions have decreased brain levels of this neurotransmitter.
Eating sweets and starches increases brain levels of the neurotransmitter chemical serotonin.
Scientists could find brain endorphin levels by doing spinal taps on volunteers as they ran.
According to this hypothesis, neurons fire periodically during sleep in the lower brain levels and thus send random signals to the cortex.
The finding could help explain how drugs like Prozac, which manipulate brain levels of serotonin, work.
Elevated brain levels of norepinephrine and dopamine are thought to have an antidepressant effect.
The blood and urine levels measured in the study might not accurately reflect brain levels, he said.
Adequate brain levels of testosterone seem important for both human male and female sexual behavior.