Scientists say they have found physical evidence of brain differences which may drive "thrill-seekers" to act impulsively or dangerously.
The question of brain differences between the sexes is a sensitive and controversial field of inquiry.
The search for brain differences has not been easy.
However, synesthetes are likely to have some brain differences which give them an innate advantage when it comes to memory.
The anatomical studies could not show what the actual effects of the brain differences were.
Before we start jumping to conclusions, go to the next page and we'll take a look at just what sorts of brain differences we're dealing with.
I think there are societal reasons, brain differences and a difference in the way a disorder can present itself in a girl versus a boy.
Selective pressures of evolution can cause innate biological brain differences before a child is even born.
They say brain differences, like body differences, should be embraced, and argue for an acceptance of "neurodiversity."
Recent studies show that there are significant brain differences between bonobos and chimps.