In this simple model it is assumed that the brain consists of interconnected components that may add, multiply and delay signal values.
The brain, like mine, would consist of atomic spin states superimposed on a crystalline rock matrix.
Human knowledge is based on stories and the human brain consists of cognitive machinery necessary to understand, remember, and tell stories.
The brain consists of two ganglia, one on either side of the pharynx.
The brain consists of two ganglia, one on either side of the pharynx, connected by a commisure.
The human brain consists of two hemispheres that are somewhat specialized in their functions.
It was like his father's brain consisted of a collection of cassettes.
Therefore, the visual brain consists of several parallel multistage processing systems, each specialized in a given task such as color or motion.
Its unconventional brain consists of a network of nerves arranged under its outer skin.
At birth, the human brain consists of over 100 billion neurons.