I am not worthy to braid a feather into his hair.
And who was it told Elspeth he wanted to braid feathers into my hair?
How could she do anything like that with one of Hyllarr's feathers, beaded and braided into her hair for all to see?
I braided the stem of my flower into my hair.
A group of her friends had gathered in the courtyard, young women with rose vines braided into their black hair.
"You haven't," she whispered and reached out to braid one of the eagle feathers into his hair.
She was a charismatic performer and dressed in traditional clothing with coins braided into her hair.
Light winked off the beads and shells braided into her thick hair.
"Owain, do you think your papa would like some of these braided into Mummy's hair?"
Hold still while I braid this chain into your hair.