There he also meets a young Blake, and tries to rekindle a boyhood friendship with a native Indian.
The author's first novel, now restored to print, is the autobiographical tale of a postwar boyhood friendship.
It is a quintessential adolescent moment of truth in which a boyhood friendship suddenly acquires a tricky new set of boundaries.
And it all began with boyhood friendship and college camaraderie.
Locked together, sharing agony, the casual boyhood friendship had ripened into a firm bond.
As Gulzar falls for her, rivalry and jealousy threaten his boyhood friendship and their plans of escape.
"Fernand Leger's Jacket" is a poignant story of a boyhood friendship.
Their way of life and beliefs could not differ any further, however boyhood friendships many times will develop beyond rationality.
Pink Floyd began with boyhood friendships.
An aging man remembers a boyhood friendship he had in 1920s Illinois which falters following a murder.