Alice and her boyfriend, Jim, had planned to take the boys up to the Skidmore farm for the weekend.
My boyfriend and I are planning to stay 1 week in Fiji.
A pretty close boyfriend, which makes me a little jealous of course, since I've been planning on a permanent relationship with you, Lee.
Now her boyfriend is planning to sign up, and other friends are considering it.
She, her mother and her mother's long-term boyfriend planned her career.
My boyfriend and I are planning a trip to Costa Rica for the first time.
Shortly after, she returns home to discover that her boyfriend and his female friend had been planning a surprise party for her all along.
Sadly, though, she will be moving out soon - she and her boyfriend are planning to get married.
Meanwhile, one of his sisters, just back from Europe, is devastated to find that her boyfriend is planning to marry someone else.
Her dad got really upset when he found out that she and her boyfriend were planning on moving in together.