The boy leaned down, grabbed it, and wheeled the stallion around, nearly running Eliwys down.
He returned to the library, again and again, got the trolley and wheeled it to a quiet corner-such a studious boy.
The boy wheeled on him.
Then the boys wheeled the robot to the center of the stage and took off the cover.
The boy, Jacob Gonzales, wheeled around a bank parking lot on the banana seat of a pink bicycle he had stolen and looked for a robbery victim.
An evil-looking servant boy, cropheaded and snuffling, wheeled in a trolley and cleared the plates.
The boys wheeled around to Jonah's G-4 computer to go over the script.
The boys wheeled around.
The boy wheeled about and flung himself into the doctor's arms, sobbing.
The boys wheeled their bicycles to the front gate.