A boy holding a bike helmet curls into himself, punched by the words.
One distraught boy punched a wall and broke a finger.
One boy punched the man and knocked him down, according to several defendants, including another boy who admitted to kicking the man.
Too much muscle-he was slow; all the other boys could punch much faster, and did.
This instant of minute satisfaction ends when the boy punches the gun barrel into the judge's temple to reacquire his attention.
He waylays the smaller boys to punch their unprotected heads, and calls challenges after me in the open streets.
While boys are punching each other on the playground, girls are learning to emotionally devastate victims who don't even know what hit them.
The boy is still punching people, Ms. Timoll said, "but you can see him trying to stop.
The boys jeered and punched at him as they turned a corner in the alley.
The Farous' lament came to an end and the boy punched the tape out of its slot.