He turned away from Bo and walked over to the drive beside the tavern where the four boys lounged in clear view of the loading dock.
The wharf boys whom Anna had hired to carry her belongings were lounging nearby, under Abdul's watchful eye.
A dozen armchairs stood about, a uniformed boy lounged at the door of an open elevator, there was a brown carpet, the place was as cool as it looked.
The boy lounged in the doorway.
A dog slept uneasily in the shade against a wall, a woman stood in a doorway across the street and looked at Eleanor, and two young boys lounged against a fence, elaborately silent.
In the cell a single Mexican boy lounged on the cot, slim and sullen.
The boys lounged around the house all day, eating junk food and playing video games.
The other boys lounged along sullenly, plainly resentful at having their precious time wasted on a boring shopping expedition.