The boys embark on an adventure, like outlaws, into the west of Ireland.
The boys embark on a mission to relieve the starvation of a neighbouring Indian village, the Chipeweyans, but due to a series of unfortunate events become trapped above the tree line in Canada's northern Barren Lands during winter.
In every installment, the boys embark upon interplanetary voyages around the Solar System that are set against nefarious schemes from a variety of adversaries.
Assisted by Catholic Charities International, the three boys uproot their lives and once again embark on a journey, leaving behind thousands of other refugees who, in the course of their traumatic odyssey, have become their adopted extended family.
Nonetheless, while still in his teens the boy embarks upon a different path, toward a life unruled by passion.
The boys embark on a romance, and Mathieu's sudden secrecy and long hours away from home invite the curiosity of both his sister and aunt.
A boy and a dragon embark on a magical quest; by the author of "The Thief Lord."
A boy and a dragon embark on a magical quest.
Your boy is just embarking on his journey through adulthood and he has stumbled.
That the two boys had embarked on a kind of Tom Sawyer adventure there seems little doubt.