A young boy befriends a Native American man who has become an alcoholic after the death of his wife and children from small pox.
The boy that had been tossed out like so much garbage, shuffled through the system, and ignored until Mac befriended him.
A teenage boy befriends a starlet who is having an affair with an ambitious mayor.
One day, a boy who is an angel (Luke Benward) befriends her.
The boy befriended his grandfather's puppy and met a little girl his own age with whom he became close friends.
Two boys befriend a stranded alien in the shape of a little silver ball and help it to return home.
In this film, Hamilton had a brief cameo as the mother of a girl whom the boy befriends.
A boy with magical powers befriends her, but she sees that the best way to survive is to work as hard as the others.
It was difficult to see what had drawn the two boys together, for boys do not generally seek out and befriend their opposites.
The play takes place in 1956, in a harsh Midwestern juvenile detention center, where two boys befriend each other.