"Look at those big wooden boxy things floating in the river."
The launch-inhibit module is normally connected to the boxy thing.
Inside, Jeffrey saw an armored personnel carrier- an old M-113, a boxy thing that rode on tracks.
They were big boxy things, with wings sticking out from the sides so they could carry more of the blue solar-power cells.
Finding just the right truck, a big boxy thing with a door in its side.
Yet it's not some big, boxy thing from the Soviet Army; this camera is small and very shiny.
He looked closer, studying the boxy thing the cat was standing beside.
Farther out, there are two barges: slabs with cranes and boxy things on them.
They are hard, boxy things and essentially hateful.
The probe raced by one and glimpsed a tin-colored, boxy thing.