Due to its large boxlike shape and significant weight, it was often referred to by the nicknames "shoebox" and "brick".
The heads were the wrong size and shape: too boxlike and easily twice the girth of the snakes' bodies.
It was a large boxlike shape with six wheels, three on either side, each wheel as high as Wol's chest.
South of us we could see the boxlike shape of the beach houses perched on the dunes, abandoned now for the season.
The great sound of older halls seems to be produced by some unquantifiable combination of dull boxlike shape and meretricious decorative bric-a-brac.
Two boxlike shapes were attached to either side of the mammoth barrel; the whole thing was laced with wiring and support equipment.
Structurally, the endocranium consists of a boxlike shape, open at the top.
In mathematics, the mandelbox is a fractal with a boxlike shape found by Tom Lowe in 2010.
Each of the five boxlike shapes in "Blue Window" includes a rough numerical marking, referring to customary methods of handling an assembly project.
This boxlike, utilitarian shape became the prototype of Shuttles throughout Star Trek.